November Nature Happenings
- Project Feeder Watch starts and extends until April,
- Juncos and Tree Sparrows become common at feeders.
- Waterfowl migration peaks this month.
- Peak of White-tailed Deer breeding season. Use caution while driving.
- Pine and Evening Grosbeaks begin to arrive.
- Mule Deer bucks go into rut.
- Red-tailed Hawks replaced with Rough-legged Hawks from the North.
- Wooly Bear Caterpillars search for late blooming Asters, clovers and sunflowers.
- Long-tailed Weasels (Ermine), as well as Snowshoe Hares, are changing into their winter coats.
- Open water is important if there's an early freeze. Put out heated bird baths for a winter water source.
- Leonid meteor shower is mid-month.